Tailored Engagement Projects

These engagement experiences are designed and implemented with and for specific communities within the Boulder Creek Watershed to empower local leadership and inspire collective action.


Our Process

Created by the BWC team and informed by well-researched community engagement strategies, this adaptable process grounds BWC’s engagement in tailored, emergent and thoughtful relationships. This centers around trust building, collaboration, and the reciprocal exchange of ideas and learning with communities when establishing tailored community projects.


Individual Site Visits

Before and during BWC’s restoration work, these individualized site visits help BWC better understand land owner and community member vision and values, to feel heard by BWC to address trade-offs, concerns, or passions regarding the implementation.

Examples include:

Community Conversations & Gatherings

These rich, community collaborated experiences for residents and local stakeholders provide learning opportunities and space for residents to voice questions and concerns, addressed by local agencies and other neighbors. Topics are commonly centered around wildfire mitigation and preparation for natural hazard risks.

Examples include:

Community Field Days

Through collective action, these field days provide local, community members organized and supported ways to take action to help reduce natural hazard risks and adapt to changing environmental and climate conditions.

Examples include:

  • Open Space Mountain Parks (OSMP) & adjacent land mitigation work

  • Nederland wildfire mitigation work

  • Wonderland Hills mitigation work

Social Science Projects

Through thoughtful engagement and careful documentation, these tailored experiences create spaces for locals to provide input and recommendations for decisions that impact the watershed, informed by collective input and values.

Examples include:

Planning for Community Leadership, Decision Making, and Action

Through these local groups and collective action initiatives, BWC supports community members in taking action and making decisions regarding natural resources, natural hazards, and climate change in their communities.

Examples include:


If you’re interested in working together, please don’t hesitate to reach out!