Young Stewards Projects

These engagement experiences are geared toward K-12th grade students within the Boulder Creek Watershed to get hands on experience to learn about watersheds.


One-day Field trips & Classroom collaborations

These experiential learning opportunities provide K-12th grade students a chance to get hands on experience to learn what a watersheds and fireshed are, and the threats and solutions to them while interacting with practitioners and their complex problems.

Examples include:

  • Water Quality & Management Field Trip

  • Forest Management Field Trip

If interested in collaborating with the BWC team for your students, please email Erin with the inquiry (

Service projects

BWC collaborates with local youth corps teams, and our partners, to provide home mitigation and defensible space labor support to those communities desiring the extra support, while advancing workforce development to empower youth.

Examples include:


If you’re interested in working together, please don’t hesitate to reach out!