Water Trail: Art + Science Bike Tour
10:00 AM10:00

Water Trail: Art + Science Bike Tour

  • 5123-5275 Valmont Rd Boulder United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Street Wise Arts for a special bike tour in partnership with the City of Boulder during Boulder Arts Week, beginning with a stop at the Beaver Mural artist Lindee Zimmer created for the Boulder Watershed Collective in 2024!

This tour combines art with science, spotlighting topics of stormwater and water quality and preservation in honor of the City’s new public artwork Water Trail. Led by Street Wise Arts docents, we’ll visit environmentally-themed murals created by local and national artists during the Street Wise Mural Festival. Learn more about our murals and how they relate to local water issues. The tour features guest speakers from the City of Boulder as well as Street Wise artists!

Tours run for approx. 2 hours and cover about 9 miles. We begin and end our tour at Valmont City Park near the Skatepark, Dog Park, and Pump Track.

Tour participants must bring their own bikes; Street Wise Arts does not provide bikes. If you need to rent a bike, we recommend Boulder BCycle!

Registration required. Limited to 16 riders. Your ticket purchase helps Street Wise Arts fund community projects, youth programs, and the organization's mission.

Note: Street Wise Arts reserves the right to reschedule this tour due to inclement weather. The alternate date is Saturday, April 19 from 10 am to 12 pm.

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Spring Forest Bathing with Darlene Rooney-Keller - 2025
9:30 AM09:30

Spring Forest Bathing with Darlene Rooney-Keller - 2025

  • Flagstaff Nature Center Trailhead (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Forest bathing, or forest therapy, is a relational practice and time to unplug, slow down, and connect with our amazing senses while in the forest we are so fortunate to be near. Through a series of sensory awakening invitations, this practice and our walk will foster our relationship with the Natural World, ourselves, and others.

This morning walk will allow us to take a break from our “thinking minds” and let our “heart’s intelligence” have time to be alive and present, all while lowering stress hormones, calming the nervous system, regulating the heart rate, increasing white blood cells, supporting creativity, improving mood, and decreasing anxiety. The gifts of this practice are abundant!

The Japanese nature-based practice of Shinrin-Yoku translates into "forest bathing." Bathing in the healing energy of the forest. Trees and plants release tiny little molecules called phytoncides. They are active substances that help protect them from rotting or being attacked by insects or diseases. Phytoncides emitted by trees have also been shown to have a beneficial effect on human physiology. When we breath in these phytoncides, they support our immune systems by increasing our white blood cells.

Join Darlene Rooney of Nature Heals: Forest Immersions on this journey to quiet your mind and open your senses. Bring good shoes, sunscreen, and water for this mild walk from the Flagstaff Nature Center, at the junction of Flagstaff Road and Flagstaff Summit Road.


$10+ Donation Appreciated

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Sunset Trail Running Festival - 2025
7:00 AM07:00

Sunset Trail Running Festival - 2025

Join us on Sunday, June 22nd, 2025, for the Sunset Trail Running Festival in Gold Hill, CO! Hosted by The Boulder Watershed Collective and in collaboration with Team BOCO, all money raised from the event will be donated to the town of Gold Hill and will fund wildfire preparation and response initiatives such as forest restoration, home hardening, emergency planning, land stewardship, and community resiliency. 

This event provides an opportunity for the Front Range trail community to show its support for small mountain town communities that live with a high risk of disruption and destruction from wildfire while providing visitors with access to their unique character, beauty, and the surrounding landscapes.


Runners can choose between a 28K (17.4M), 12K (7.7M), 5K, or kids 1K trail race. All distances start and finish on the main street of Gold Hill at the Gold Hill Inn, and the longer distances are run, in part, on the National Forest System roads. Runners will enjoy varied terrain of dirt roads and trails through ponderosa pine and aspen forests while taking in amazing views on these challenging courses. 

The 28K course heads south to Salina and then west along Fourmile Canyon Dr to the historic town of Sunset. From there, runners will head north up the Switzerland Trail and back to Gold Hill. The 12K course heads west along Gold Hill Rd to the famous Mount Alto Picnic area and back into town. 

Please note: We encourage all runners and spectators to utilize the free shuttle to and from Boulder leaving from Boulder County Justice Center (1777 6th St, Boulder, CO 80302). To ensure minimal vehicle impact and disruption to the Gold Hill community on race day, parking will be very limited. The cost per car will be a required donation of $30.

Gold Hill Locals: Reach out for a special registration offer!


Gold Hill is the oldest continuously occupied mining town in Colorado and today is home to around 200 permanent residents. The town was established in 1859 after placer gold was found in the nearby Gold Run Creek and soon became a beacon for economic opportunity as settlers moved west. By the late 1800s, Boulder was a hub of activity that supported nearby mining operations with the help of a rail line, The Switzerland Trail, that wove through and between the canyons and small mining towns west of Boulder. 

Sunset, the namesake of this trail running festival, was once a small, bustling mining town and a stop on The Switzerland Trail. During the race, the 28K runners will pass through Sunset around mile 10 before continuing up The Switzerland Trail until they join with the 12K runners at the site of the historic Mount Alto Picnic Area, a resort destination for train travelers. 

This more recent history of The Boulder Valley and its historic human-built sites was made possible only by the unlawful and unjust claim of land by white settlers. This theft was in direct opposition to the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851, which protected the Arapaho and Cheyenne nations and their land, and it went against the agreements prospectors made with Chief Niwot, chief of the Southern Arapaho. 

Today, there are ample opportunities to honor, celebrate and learn from the Indigenous Peoples whose homeland we now live, recreate on, and travel on, as well as all of the communities of people, animals, and plants that have existed here through time.  

We hope that through this event, runners and spectators reflect on and honor this history and acknowledge the ways to live more mindfully within these wildfire resilient landscapes.

To learn more about the Indigenous history of The Boulder Valley and the ways you can participate in healing with the land and its People, there are many resources including those available through Right Relationship Boulder and the Museum of Boulder.

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Wonderland Hills: Community Planning for Local Wildfire Mitigation Funding
1:00 PM13:00

Wonderland Hills: Community Planning for Local Wildfire Mitigation Funding

  • 707 Poplar Avenue Boulder, CO, 80304 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Join your neighbors at The Clubhouse (707 Poplar) on Saturday, March 8, 2025,
to strengthen our wildfire preparedness actions and collaborate for upcoming grant funding of community-wide mitigation efforts!

Project Overview: This is a cross-boundary mitigation effort that benefits our community and beyond!

Meet Project Partners dedicated to the Wonderland Hills Wildland-Urban Interface:
HOA Representatives will speak to the local momentum/organizing and their role in the project
City of Boulder Fire-Rescue will discuss their continued commitment to the community and updated programs available for WH residents
Open Space & Mountain Parks will present on their work planned for 2025 on adjacent City land
Boulder Watershed Collective will talk about their support as grant and project managers

Fund Planning: Potential Strategic Fuels Mitigation Grant + Individual Labor Tracking for Match

Mitigation Resource Pooling: Sign up for cost- and implementation-efficient execution of widespread or common mitigation tasks.

RSVP in the form below - it will be helpful to make sure we have enough resources!

(1) Make sure to get your Detailed Home Assessment from City of Boulder Fire-Rescue Risk Reduction Specialists, and
(2) Make sure you’re up to date on the alert systems offered in Boulder County!

Reach out if you have any questions!
Kirin Riddell, BWC - Email or 907-707-9196
Claire Riley, Wonderland Hills: Email

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Old Town Nederland Potluck Celebration!
3:00 PM15:00

Old Town Nederland Potluck Celebration!

Join us for a Potluck Celebration of Wildfire Mitigation Work!

Throughout the early fall, The Boulder Watershed Collective and Wildfire Partners has been providing free home mitigation and defensible space services, as well as slash and trash dumpsters to residents in the Old Town Nederland neighborhood. We want to celebrate this work and the homeowners who were a part of this program.

From wherever you live in Nederland or the area, join us for this potluck. The Boulder Watershed will provide the main entrees. Bring a side dish, eat, and learn about the free services this program provided, as well as up to date emergency preparedness information.

Before you attend the potluck, tell us what dish you will bring:

Once signed up, we will be in touch within one week of this potluck. If you have any additional questions or comments, please contact Julien at blundell.julien@gmail.com.

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Sans Souci: Evento de Preparación para Incendios Forestales
3:00 PM15:00

Sans Souci: Evento de Preparación para Incendios Forestales

  • 1561 S Foothills Hwy Boulder, Co 80305 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

¡Planificación para la mitigación de incendios forestales! ¡Compartir información y recursos! ¡Conéctese con vecinos y expertos! ¡Comida y música!

¡Únase a sus vecinos en el Parque Comunitario Sans Souci el domingo 6 de octubre de 2024 para fortalecer nuestras acciones de preparación para emergencias e incendios forestales, y también para divertirse con la comunidad!

El condado de Boulder Wildfire Partners discutirá el próximo trabajo de mitigación de incendios forestales que realizará el Mile High Youth Corps, así como la asistencia financiera disponible para los residentes que toman medidas para proteger sus hogares de los incendios forestales: ¡hay fondos y otro apoyo disponibles para acciones de mitigación de incendios forestales elegibles!

Los líderes de City of Boulder Open Space & Mountain Parks  discutirán las estrategias de mitigación que OSMP planea utilizar en el espacio abierto que rodea a Sans Souci en los próximos años, incluido el pastoreo, el corte de césped y los incendios prescritos.

Distrito de bomberos y rescate de Mountain View Dirigirán discusiones sobre la respuesta a los incendios forestales, así como sobre evacuaciones y alertas/notificaciones.

Conectémonos con propósito, ¡Pero también disfrutemos de una sesión de improvisación llena de alegría! Se proveerá alimentos y bebidas sin alcohol.

Confirme su asistencia en el formulario a continuación: ¡será útil para asegurarnos de que tengamos suficientes recursos!
Pero primero:¡Asegúrese de estar actualizado sobre los sistemas de alerta que se ofrecen en el condado de Boulder! HAGA CLIC AQUÍ  ¡Para confirmar y saber más!

Los socios incluyen:

  • Cooperativa Sans Souci - Junta Directiva

  • Colectivo de la cuenca hidrográfica de Boulder

  • Espacios abiertos y parques de montaña de la ciudad de Boulder

  • Distrito de bomberos y rescate de Mountain View

  • Wildfire Partners

¡Por favor traiga una silla plegable y un instrumento si lo deseas!

¡Contáctanos si tienes alguna pregunta!

Peggy Kuhn, Sans Souci + Kirin Riddell, BWC -correo electrónico o  907-707-9196


¡Será útil asegurarnos de que tengamos suficientes recursos!

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Sans Souci Community Wildfire Preparedness Event
3:00 PM15:00

Sans Souci Community Wildfire Preparedness Event

  • 1561 S Foothills Hwy Boulder, Co 80305 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Para información en español, haga clic aquí

Wildfire Mitigation Planning! Info & Resource Sharing!
Connect with Neighbors & Experts! Food & Music!

Join your neighbors at The Sans Souci Community Park on Sunday, October 6, 2024,
to strengthen our wildfire and emergency preparedness actions, and have some fun community connection too!

Boulder County’s Wildfire Partners will discuss upcoming wildfire mitigation work to be completed by the Mile High Youth Corps, as well as financial assistance available to residents who take measures to protect their homes from wildfire: funding and other support are available for eligible wildfire mitigation actions!

City of Boulder Open Space & Mountain Parks leaders will discuss the mitigation strategies OSMP plans to utilize in the open space surrounding Sans Souci in the next few years, including grazing, mowing, and prescribed fire.

Mountain View Fire Rescue District will lead discussions about wildfire response, as well as evacuations and alerts/notifications.

Let’s connect with purpose, but get a joy-filled jam session out of it too!
Food and non-alcoholic drinks will be provided.

RSVP in the form below - it will be helpful to make sure we have enough resources!

But first: make sure you’re up to date on the alert systems offered in Boulder County! CLICK HERE and HERE to confirm and learn more!

Partners Include:

  • Sans Souci Cooperative - Board of Directors

  • Boulder Watershed Collective

  • City of Boulder Open Space & Mountain Parks

  • Mountain View Fire Rescue District

  • Wildfire Partners

Please bring a folding chair and an instrument if you’d like!

Reach out if you have any questions!
Peggy Kuhn, Sans Souci + Kirin Riddell, BWC - email or 907-707-9196

It will be helpful to make sure we have enough resources!

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Louisville Grasslands Spring Field Trip
5:00 PM17:00

Louisville Grasslands Spring Field Trip

See the cows in action!

Join Louisville Open Space, Grama Grass and Livestock, the Louisville Fire Protection District, and Wildfire Partners for a mellow walk in our local grasslands to learn about some of the nuances involved in planning and managing these landscapes. Starting at Davidson Mesa, this will be the second in a series of grassland field trips exploring how management objectives are approached on the ground. Topics will include grasslands ecology, grazing, and wildfire education.

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Arapahoe West Neighborhood Wildfire Preparedness Event
10:00 AM10:00

Arapahoe West Neighborhood Wildfire Preparedness Event

  • 350 Arapahoe Avenue Boulder, CO, 80302 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Home Assessment Demos! Information & Resource Sharing!
Connect with Neighbors & Experts! Coffee & Pastries!

Join your neighbors at 350 Arapahoe Avenue on Saturday, September 21, 2024, to strengthen our wildfire and emergency preparedness actions!

Boulder County’s Wildfire Partners will share information about their County-wide chipping program. The Arapahoe West Condominium Association (AWCA) will give a tour of vegetation management work they have done to date. AWCA is also hosting a Wildfire Partners Chipping Event this the same day. If you’d like more information about that, please email Chris Clasen.

Learn about the Firewise USA program for community wildfire mitigation in Colorado from a representative from the Colorado State Forest Service.

Last but not least, the City of Boulder’s Fire Community Risk Reduction Program Specialists will lead home hardening and emergency preparedness discussions & interactive demos of the City's exterior/curbside assessment tool for wildfire defensible space actions.

RSVP in the form below - it will be helpful to make sure we have enough resources!

But first: make sure you’re up to date on the alert systems offered in Boulder County! CLICK HERE and HERE to confirm and learn more!

Partners Include:

  • Arapahoe West Condominium Association (AWCA)

  • Boulder Watershed Collective

  • City of Boulder Fire-Rescue

  • Colorado State Forest Service

  • Wildfire Partners

  • Neighborhood Connection: Chris Clasen

Rough Agenda:

  • 10-10:45AM - Welcome + Current Efforts + HOA Vegetation Tour

  • 10:45-11:30PM - Partner Presentations + Group Discussion

  • 11:30-12PM - Detailed Home Assessment Demonstrations

Please bring a folding chair if you’d like, and walking/biking would be best since parking will be extremely limited. Thank you!

Reach out if you have any questions!
Kirin Riddell - email or 907-707-9196
Chris Clasen - email


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to Sep 27

Nederland Area Seniors Sign Up for Free Air Purifiers

Sign Up for Free Air Purifiers and Get Smoke Ready

The Boulder Watershed Collective in partnership with the Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network will be providing free air purifiers to members of Nederland Area Seniors. Sign up now to receive your free air purifier, and use it to set up a Clean Air Room in your home! View the graphic below to learn how to set up your own Clean Air Room during wildfire smoke events.

Create a Clean Air Room by closing windows and doors, and running an air purifier with a certified HEPA filter.

Sign up for these free services!

Once signed up, we will provide and distribute air filters through the Nederland Area Seniors group. If you have any additional questions or comments, please contact Julien at blundell.julien@gmail.com.

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Panel: Beaver Tale - Rehydrating the Land & Supporting Whole Ecosystems
5:30 PM17:30

Panel: Beaver Tale - Rehydrating the Land & Supporting Whole Ecosystems

  • 4747 Pearl Street Boulder, CO, 80301 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join artist Lindee Zimmer, Boulder Watershed Collective and local partners in a discussion of Lindee's mural telling the tale of the beaver!

Muralist Lindee Zimmer, The Boulder Watershed Collective, and other local partners are thrilled to tell the tale of beaver in a public mural created during the 2024 Street Wise Mural Festival. This artwork illustrates the beaver’s impact on water, ecosystems and climate change, featuring these keystone species who rehydrate parched landscapes creating wildfire buffers, replenishing groundwater, and expanding habitat for numerous species.

During this panel, Lindee and local watershed and climate resilient practitioners and leaders will discuss this collaborative eco-arts project process and inspiration, and dive into Lindee’s vision to tell the impactful story of beavers. This conversation will examine beaver’s influence on water, ecosystems, wildfire resilience, and climate change. Through an interactive Q&A, audience members will be able to ask panelist questions. The finished mural will be on display at BeaverCon 2024, held at CU Boulder from October 19 to 24 (more information at www.beaverinstitute.org).


Artists: Lindee Zimmer

Scientists/Activists: Preston Brown, The Boulder Watershed Collective

Moderated by Erin Fried, The Boulder Watershed Collective

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Utica Neighborhood Community Preparedness Day!
3:30 PM15:30

Utica Neighborhood Community Preparedness Day!

Information & Resource Sharing! Home Assessment Demos!
Fire Truck Tours! Snacks & Cold Refreshments!

Join your neighbors at the Cottage Lane Green Space on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, to strengthen our wildfire and emergency preparedness actions! Visit with insurance consultants, talk all things land management with Open Space and Mountain Parks staff, join City of Boulder Fire Rescue team members on Detailed Home Assessment demos discussing actions you can make for a more resilient home, and collaborate with neighbors about how to leverage your impacts for the greater good of the community. This will be a great opportunity to have face-to-face conversations with local land managers and have all of your questions answered!
RSVP in the form below - it will be helpful to make sure we have enough resources!

But first: make sure you’re up to date on the alert systems offered in Boulder County! CLICK HERE and HERE to confirm and learn more!

Partners Include:

  • Boulder Watershed Collective

  • Boulder County Open Space & Mountain Parks

  • City of Boulder Fire-Rescue

  • United Policy Holders

  • Neighborhood Connections: Joanna Rosenblum

Rough Agenda:

  • 3:30-3:45PM - Partner Tables with Information + Neighbor Mingling

  • 3:45-4:45PM - Partner Presentations + Group Discussion

  • 4:45-6PM - Detailed Home Assessment Demonstrations - This is rich information!

Please bring a chair / blanket if you’d like, and walking would be best since parking will be extremely limited. Thank you!

Reach out if you have any questions!
Kirin Riddell - email or 907-707-9196
Joanna Rosenblum - email


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Sunset Trail Running Festival - 2024
7:00 AM07:00

Sunset Trail Running Festival - 2024

Join us on Sunday, June 23rd, 2024, for the Sunset Trail Running Festival in Gold Hill, CO! Hosted by The Boulder Watershed Collective and in collaboration with Team BOCO, all money raised from the event will be donated to the town of Gold Hill and will fund wildfire preparation and response initiatives such as forest restoration, home hardening, emergency planning, land stewardship, and community resiliency. 

This event provides an opportunity for the Front Range trail community to show its support for small mountain town communities that live with a high risk of disruption and destruction from wildfire while providing visitors with access to their unique character, beauty, and the surrounding landscapes.


Runners can choose between a 28K (17.4M), 12K (7.7M), 5K, or kids 1K trail race. All distances start and finish on the main street of Gold Hill at the Gold Hill Inn, and the longer distances are run, in part, on the National Forest System roads. Runners will enjoy varied terrain of dirt roads and trails through ponderosa pine and aspen forests while taking in amazing views on these challenging courses. 

The 28K course heads south to Salina and then west along Fourmile Canyon Dr to the historic town of Sunset. From there, runners will head north up the Switzerland Trail and back to Gold Hill. The 12K course heads west along Gold Hill Rd to the famous Mount Alto Picnic area and back into town. 

Please note: We encourage all runners and spectators to utilize the free shuttle to and from Boulder leaving from Boulder County Justice Center (1777 6th St, Boulder, CO 80302). To ensure minimal vehicle impact and disruption to the Gold Hill community on race day, parking will be very limited. The cost per car will be a required donation of $30.

Gold Hill Locals: Reach out for a special registration offer!


After the race, celebrate the day with your family, friends, and fellow participants at our after race party! We will have food, drinks, music, and a chance to win trail running gear and local goods!

To view more race details, register, or donate, visit Team BOCO’s event page here


Gold Hill is the oldest continuously occupied mining town in Colorado and today is home to around 200 permanent residents. The town was established in 1859 after placer gold was found in the nearby Gold Run Creek and soon became a beacon for economic opportunity as settlers moved west. By the late 1800s, Boulder was a hub of activity that supported nearby mining operations with the help of a rail line, The Switzerland Trail, that wove through and between the canyons and small mining towns west of Boulder. 

Sunset, the namesake of this trail running festival, was once a small, bustling mining town and a stop on The Switzerland Trail. During the race, the 28K runners will pass through Sunset around mile 10 before continuing up The Switzerland Trail until they join with the 12K runners at the site of the historic Mount Alto Picnic Area, a resort destination for train travelers. 

This more recent history of The Boulder Valley and its historic human-built sites was made possible only by the unlawful and unjust claim of land by white settlers. This theft was in direct opposition to the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851, which protected the Arapaho and Cheyenne nations and their land, and it went against the agreements prospectors made with Chief Niwot, chief of the Southern Arapaho. 

Today, there are ample opportunities to honor, celebrate and learn from the Indigenous Peoples whose homeland we now live, recreate on, and travel on, as well as all of the communities of people, animals, and plants that have existed here through time.  

We hope that through this event, runners and spectators reflect on and honor this history and acknowledge the ways to live more mindfully within these wildfire resilient landscapes.

To learn more about the Indigenous history of The Boulder Valley and the ways you can participate in healing with the land and its People, there are many resources including those available through Right Relationship Boulder and the Museum of Boulder.

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Leaders in Local Fire - Webinar
6:00 PM18:00

Leaders in Local Fire - Webinar

Join local fire and land managers for a virtual presentation to learn about the nuances that go into utilizing fire as a land management tool and other local land management practices. We'll get into depth about response strategies, prescribed fire treatment types, weather requirements, and what it means to live in a fire adapted landscape!

Speakers include:

  • Town of Superior Land Managers

  • Mountain View Fire Wildland Fire Management Officer

  • Arapaho Roosevelt National Forest Service South Zone Prevention Specialist

  • USDA FS Rocky Mountain Region Smoke Specialist / Air Resource Advisor

Presented by the
Town of Superior Disaster Preparedness and Recovery
+ The Boulder Watershed Collective

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Sign Up for Free Wildfire Mitigation Services - Old Town Nederland
to Aug 31

Sign Up for Free Wildfire Mitigation Services - Old Town Nederland

Sign up for free wildfire mitigation & defensible space services this summer/fall

Throughout the summer and early fall, The Boulder Watershed Collective and Wildfire Partners will be providing free home mitigation and defensible space services to residents in the Old Town Nederland area. View the slideshow below to learn more details about Wildfire Partners and The Boulder Watershed Collective, what and where free services will be offered, and the process to receive these services.

Sign up for these free services!

Once signed up, we will be in touch within one week. If you have any additional questions or comments, please contact Erin at erin@boulderwatershedcollective.org.

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Front Range Grassland Fire Workshop
8:00 AM08:00

Front Range Grassland Fire Workshop

In Colorado, the Front Range can present unique fuel and weather conditions for wildfires. Combined with numerous wildland/urban interface and intermix settings, these conditions can be critical in wildfire management.

Register now for the Front Range Grassland Fire Workshop to increase your knowledge and understanding of the ecology, behavior, risks, and management of grassfire conditions on the Front Range.

Hear speakers from both the Front Range and the Great Plains to discuss grassland fire.

Limited space available. Registration closes May 15.

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Louisville Grasslands Spring Field Trip
5:00 PM17:00

Louisville Grasslands Spring Field Trip

See the cows in action!

Join Louisville Open Space, Grama Grass and Livestock, the Louisville Fire Protection District, and Wildfire Partners for a mellow walk in our local grasslands to learn about some of the nuances involved in planning and managing these landscapes. Starting at Davidson Mesa, this will be the second in a series of grassland field trips exploring how management objectives are approached on the ground. Topics will include grasslands ecology, grazing, and wildfire education.

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Spring Forest Bathing with Darlene Rooney-Keller
9:30 AM09:30

Spring Forest Bathing with Darlene Rooney-Keller

  • Flagstaff Nature Center Trailhead (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Forest bathing, or forest therapy, is a relational practice and time to unplug, slow down, and connect with our amazing senses while in the forest we are so fortunate to be near. Through a series of sensory awakening invitations, this practice and our walk will foster our relationship with the Natural World, ourselves, and others.

This morning walk will allow us to take a break from our “thinking minds” and let our “heart’s intelligence” have time to be alive and present, all while lowering stress hormones, calming the nervous system, regulating the heart rate, increasing white blood cells, supporting creativity, improving mood, and decreasing anxiety. The gifts of this practice are abundant!

The Japanese nature-based practice of Shinrin-Yoku translates into "forest bathing." Bathing in the healing energy of the forest. Trees and plants release tiny little molecules called phytoncides. They are active substances that help protect them from rotting or being attacked by insects or diseases. Phytoncides emitted by trees have also been shown to have a beneficial effect on human physiology. When we breath in these phytoncides, they support our immune systems by increasing our white blood cells.

Join Darlene Rooney of Nature Heals: Forest Immersions on this journey to quiet your mind and open your senses. Bring good shoes, sunscreen, and water for this mild walk from the Flagstaff Nature Center, at the junction of Flagstaff Road and Flagstaff Summit Road.


$10+ Donation Suggested & Appreciated

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Beavers in Lefthand Canyon - Site Tour & Presentation
2:00 PM14:00

Beavers in Lefthand Canyon - Site Tour & Presentation

Beavers are out there doing the work! Come check it out!

Join us at a beaver dam site in Lefthand Canyon on Monday, May 6th, from 2-4PM, to hear from ecohydrologist and beaver researcher Emily Fairfax about the habitat, activity, and the multitude of benefits beavers bring to our landscape.

We’ll convene at approximately 12.5 miles up Lefthand Canyon Drive towards Jamestown where we’ll view an active beaver site, hear from a leading expert, and discuss all the impressive impacts these ecosystem engineers bring to our watershed!

Carpooling is encouraged. Please reach out if we can help with coordination.

We'll have limited waders/muck boots for community use, but we encourage coming prepared in water-wise footwear and layers for Colorado spring.

Plan your drive before leaving reception:
Click Here for Location Pin on Google Maps

Hosted in partnership by the Boulder Watershed Collective and The Watershed Center.

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Wonderland Hills Community Wildfire Preparedness Day!
9:00 AM09:00

Wonderland Hills Community Wildfire Preparedness Day!

  • 707 Poplar Avenue Boulder, CO, 80304 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Free Breakfast Treats! Information & Resource Sharing! Home Assessment Demos!
Fire Truck Tours!

Join your neighbors at the Wonderland Hills Recreation Clubhouse on Saturday, May 4, 2024, to strengthen our wildfire and emergency preparedness actions! Visit with insurance consultants and firewise landscaping experts, talk all things land management with Open Space and Parks and Recreation staff, join City of Boulder Fire Rescue team members on Detailed Home Assessment demos discussing actions you can make for a more resilient home, and collaborate with neighbors about how to leverage your impacts for the greater good of the community. This will be a great opportunity to have face-to-face conversations with local land managers and have all of your questions answered!
RSVP in the form below - it will be helpful to make sure we have enough resources!

But first: make sure you’re up to date on the alert systems offered in Boulder County! CLICK HERE and HERE to confirm and learn more!

Partners Include:

  • Boulder Watershed Collective

  • Boulder County Open Space & Mountain Parks

  • City of Boulder Fire-Rescue

  • City of Boulder Parks & Recreation

  • United Policy Holders

  • ClimateScaping Consulting

  • Neighborhood Connections: Claire Riley & Doug Parker

Reach out if you have any questions!
Cat Price - email or 903-235-7754
Claire Riley - email
Doug Parker - email


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Earth Day, Every Day Celebration (2024)
10:00 AM10:00

Earth Day, Every Day Celebration (2024)

  • Bob Burger Recreation Center Parking Lot (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


The Boulder Watershed Collective is honored to be hosting a table at the City of Lafayette’s Earth Day event. Earth Day, Every Day! Join us on Saturday, April 27 from 10am-2pm at Bob Burger Recreation Center parking lot and Open Space Outdoor Classroom (111 W. Baseline E Lafayette CO, 80026).

The event is a family-friendly and interactive celebration to create a more sustainable Lafayette. Invite your friends and family to this free event, open to all ages.

From food trucks to a scavenger hunt, there is something for everyone.

• Explore over 50 eco-exhibitors
• Bring your kids to a nature-themed concert by local performers Jeff and Paige
• Shop from local vendors at the Sustainable Makers Market
• Explore your wild side at the Live Animal Programs with birds of prey and snakes
• Learn about alternative modes of transportation at the Electric Vehicle Showcase

Visit the Earth Day, Every Day event page for details and a complete schedule.

See you there!

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Field Tour: Forsythe II Pre-Burn Broadcast Burn Site Visit
1:00 PM13:00

Field Tour: Forsythe II Pre-Burn Broadcast Burn Site Visit

  • Forsythe Trail CO, 80466 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join the USDA Forest Service leaders on a site visit of an upcoming prescribed burn (broadcast burn) to be started next week by firefighters from the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests, as early as April 15th. Numerous forest restoration projects have been completed in this area to prepare the area for prescribed fire, which is an important step in protecting communities, watersheds, and forests from high intensity and high severity wildfires. Come learn from local Forest Service fire managers about how they design a prescribed burn, what weather conditions are required for prescribed burning operations, what the objectives of project include, and what it means to live in a fire-adapted ecosystem.

More information about the planned burn can be found here.

*Be prepared for spring weather with layers and boots. And don’t forget water!*


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Slash Pile Burn Field Day
10:00 AM10:00

Slash Pile Burn Field Day

The BWC is excited to offer a field opportunity to join the local USFS leaders during an active slash pile burn and learn from discussions about fuels-removal treatments in general, weather conditions and planning aspects, regulations and requirements, and other relevant management topics utilized on a fire-adapted landscape.

Wednesday, January 24
10:00 - 11:30 AM
Approximately at 4 Mile Marker on Magnolia Road

Speakers will include:
Michael Smith, South Zone Prevention Specialist
Chad Buser, Forest Service Zone Fuels AFMO
Nate Hallam, AFMO / Burn Boss

A couple of notes for your planning:
*Be prepared for winter weather with layers and boots.*
*Parking is limited on the roadside, so please commuting in groups will be best. Reach out for coordination and we will connect attendees.*
*Don’t forget water!*

Have questions for the experts and collaborators? Reach out here and we’ll make sure they get on the agenda for group discussion.

Want to stay up to date on all things Arapaho Roosevelt National Forest? Enter your information here to get on their email list.

See you in the field!

—The BWC Team

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Boulder St. Vrain Watershed Art Contest
12:00 PM12:00

Boulder St. Vrain Watershed Art Contest

2023 Boulder St. Vrain Watershed Art Contest

The Keep it Clean Partnership invites students in the Boulder St. Vrain Watershed to participate in a free art contest with the chance to win art supplies, gift cards, and for your art to be featured on the Keep it Clean Partnership website!​

Who Can Enter

Any student from Kindergarten through 12th grade who lives in and/or attends school in Boulder County. This includes both the Boulder Valley School District and St. Vrain Valley School District.


One Grand Prize winner and one Honorable Mention will be awarded for each of the following grade divisions:

Kindergarten – 2nd grade   |   3rd grade – 5th grade   |   6th grade – 8th grade   |   9th grade – 12th grade

Grand Prize: Gift basket of art supplies and Art Parts gift card

Honorable Mention: $25 Art Parts gift card

How to Participate

  • Students are invited to submit one piece of 8.5” x 11” two-dimensional art using the media of their choice: crayons, markers, pencils, paint, pastels, fabric, watercolor, chalk, markers, collage, etc. – are all welcome! Photographs will not be accepted for this contest.

  • Artwork should be inspired by the following prompt: Our watershed is a complex and interconnected system of land, water, air, and the humans, plants, and animals they support. Each of these members plays an important role in keeping our watershed healthy and thriving. For this art contest, we challenge you to explore the role of one of these community members in our watershed. 

  • Artwork must be created solely by the student and may not include any copyrighted characters or slogans.

  • By entering this contest, students acknowledge that their submission may be published by the Keep it Clean Partnership and its partner communities on websites, outreach materials, or other publications.

How to Submit

  • Artwork must be submitted by 11:59 pm on November 17, 2023

  • Submissions can be scanned and submitted using this form (aqui esta el formulario en español), emailed to cramirezbentley@bouldercounty.org, or mailed to Keep it Clean Partnership, PO Box 471, Boulder, CO 80306. All emailed and mailed artwork must include the following information: student’s first and last name, grade level, town or city where they live, school name, school district, parent or guardian name and email.

  • For teachers or other groups who would like to submit several pieces of artwork at once please contact Cristina at cramirezbentley@bouldercounty.org.

  • Winners will be announced by December 15, 2023.

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CU Research Team - Creek Monitoring Field Day
9:00 AM09:00

CU Research Team - Creek Monitoring Field Day

We’re excited to announce a field day in the creek with CU researchers currently monitoring post-fire impacts to water quality and ecology in Coal Creek in the wake of the Marshall Fire!

Get a chance to give benthic-invertebrate and diatom sampling a first-hand try and learn about these indicators and potential impacts of fire on riparian ecosystem health.

More information about this work can be found here and here.

Stay tuned for more information on the location, programming, and registration details!

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Drawing the Wildlife of the Boulder St. Vrain Watershed
11:00 AM11:00

Drawing the Wildlife of the Boulder St. Vrain Watershed

  • Boulder Public Library - Main Branch (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join the Boulder Watershed Collective and Keep it Clean Partnership for a free activity to explore the wildlife who live in the Boulder St. Vrain Watershed!

Perfect for kids in 2nd - 5th grades.

Reserve your spot by emailing Cristina at cramirezbentley@bouldercounty.org.

Explore more art events here.

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Superior Grassland Field Trip
4:00 PM16:00

Superior Grassland Field Trip

Join the Boulder Watershed Collective, Superior Open Space, Goat Bros, the Butterfly Pavilion, Boulder County Youth Corps, and the Mountain View Fire Protection District, along with other local partners, to take a short walk in our local grasslands and learn about some of the nuances involved in planning and managing these landscapes. We'll gather in the parking lot (see details below) and walk to the Coalton Trailhead together. From there we'll take a mellow walk, interspersed with stops to discuss what we see and how management objectives are approached on the ground. Boulder County’s Wildfire Partners will be present to share resources available to residents.

Topics will include: 

  • Superior Open Space management strategies, and how fire interacts with grassland ecosystems

  • Goat grazing: the objectives, methods, and outcomes of goat grazing on local grasslands, with a focus on the 30-acre grazing project completed in Superior this summer

  • Monitoring: plant surveys conducted by the Butterfly Pavilion to measure the effects of grazing

  • Boulder County Youth Corps efforts to support Superior’s fuel reduction goals through native plant restoration, noxious weed removal, and vegetative thinning

  • Wildfire: grassland fire behavior and ecology, individual preparedness, and agency planning/response

IMPORTANT NOTE: Coalton Trailhead will be closed on October 24, so please park at the basketball court parking lot on the corner of Indiana and Coalton at 4pm. We will walk as one group to Coalton Trailhead, where the majority of the tour will happen. The program begins at 4pm and ends at 6pm at the parking area. The walk from the parking lot to the trailhead is about 0.4 mile. 

When: Tuesday, October 24th, 4-6pm

Questions? Email kirin@boulderwatershedcollective.org.

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Autumn Harvest Box
2:00 PM14:00

Autumn Harvest Box


Support farmers in our area while also supporting our work here at the Boulder Watershed Collective by donating to reserve your autumn Harvest Box full of seasonally fresh deliciousness to create a cozy meal for you and yours mid-October! Once again we’ll be pairing with local producers and vendors to gather vegetables, meats, breads, and other ingredients to create a chef-inspired meal that will heartily feed 4 to 6 people. All produce and ingredients will be procured at cost, so know that your donation will immediately make a direct impact to support local farmers, ranchers, and vendors.

Our Harvest Boxes includes items from Kilt Farm, MASA Seed Foundation, Grama Grass & Livestock, Boulder Mushroom, Moxie Bread Co, Pastificio Boulder, and more local producers. Add ons such as meats, breads, and sweet treats will round out the bounty!

Amplify your impact and double your order to donate to a family supported by the Emergency Family Assistance Association - just make sure to note your donation during check out and we’ll do the rest!

The boxes will be available for pick-up on October 21, from 2PM - 4PM.

This donation is tax-deductible.

THANK YOU for supporting our work! We are grateful to be stewarding such giving lands and your contribution quite literally makes it possible.

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Crestview Community Wildfire Preparedness Day!
9:30 AM09:30

Crestview Community Wildfire Preparedness Day!

Free Breakfast Treats! Information & Resource Sharing! Home Assessment Demos!

Join the community in Crestview Park on Saturday, October 21, 2023, to strengthen our wildfire and emergency preparedness actions! Visit with landscaping experts about firewise planting, tour a neighbor’s home that has completed mitigation efforts, join City of Boulder Fire Rescue team members on Detailed Home Assessment demos discussing actions you can make for a more resilient home, and collaborate with neighbors about how to leverage your impacts for the greater good of the community. RSVP in the form below!

But first: make sure you’re up to date on the alert systems offered in Boulder County! CLICK HERE and HERE to confirm and learn more!

Partners Include:

  • Boulder Watershed Collective

  • City of Boulder Fire-Rescue

  • United Policy Holders

  • ClimateScaping Consulting

  • Neighborhood Connections: Kristin & Steve Clark

Reach out if you have any questions!
Kirin Riddell - email or 907-707-9196
Steve Clark - email


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Devil's Thumb Neighborhood Community Preparedness Day!
9:30 AM09:30

Devil's Thumb Neighborhood Community Preparedness Day!

Free Breakfast Treats! Information & Resource Sharing! Home Assessment Demos!

Join the community on Saturday, October 14, 2023, to strengthen our wildfire and emergency preparedness actions by visiting with local landscaping experts, collaborating with neighbors about how to leverage your impacts for the greater good, and joining defensible space tours lead by wildfire professionals discussing actions you can make for a more resilient home. RSVP in the form below! Bring a camp chair if you’d like!

But first: make sure you’re up to date on the alert systems offered in Boulder County! CLICK HERE and HERE to confirm and learn more!

Partners Include:

  • City of Boulder Fire-Rescue

  • Wildfire Partners

  • CSU Extension - Horticulture Specialists

  • United Policy Holders


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Louisville Grassland Field Trip
9:00 AM09:00

Louisville Grassland Field Trip

Join the Boulder Watershed Collective, Louisville Open Space, Grama Grass & Livestock, and the Louisville Fire Protection district, along with other local partners, to take a short walk in our local grasslands and learn about some of the nuances involved in planning and managing these landscapes. We'll start at the Davidson Mesa Trailhead, and from there we'll take a mellow walk (a mile or less), interspersed with stops to discuss what we see and how management objectives are approached on the ground. 

Topics will include: 

  • Grassland ecology: how local grasses interact with grazing, fire, and moisture

  • Prairie dogs: challenges and approaches to prairie dog management in Louisville Open Space

  • Grazing: the objectives, methods, and outcomes of grazing on local grasslands

  • Wildfire: grassland fire behavior and ecology, individual preparedness, and agency planning/response

Click here to review a Storymap about Grassland Management in Boulder County.

Davidson Mesa Trailhead - Louisville
Google Map Link Here

Questions? Email kirin@boulderwatershedcollective.org.

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BCNA + CSLC Annual Ecosymposium
9:00 AM09:00

BCNA + CSLC Annual Ecosymposium

  • University of Colorado, Boulder - Sustainability, Energy and Environment Complex (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS



Precipitation in Colorado’s high country has a big effect on the lives of Front Range residents, whether plant, animal, or human. Snowpack feeds local creeks, lakes, and ditches and moistens the soil for plant communities. Climate change is altering the amount and timing of snow and rain, the runoff of melting snow, as well as the chemistry of the water sent downstream. Greater variability in precipitation will also increase the frequency of drought, flood, and wildfire. Other environmental changes of the Anthropocene Era are also affecting water chemistry and in turn the biological communities in our lakes and streams. Speakers will address questions such as, What changes to our water supply are observed now and predicted for the future? How do scientists measure and model these changes? And what are the consequences for our local ecosystems, both terrestrial and aquatic?


Liz Payton, Western Water Assessment, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), University of Colorado Boulder: An overview of climate change’s complex effects on the water cycle

Eve-Lyn Hinckley, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder: Water in a warming alpine: Surprises in the water quality record of Niwot Ridge, Colorado, and beyond

Sarah A. Spaulding, US Geological Survey and INSTAAR, University of Colorado Boulder: Algae in the Front Range and beyond

Tim Seastedt, INSTAAR and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado Boulder, Senior Fellow in the  Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research and Professor Emeritus in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at CU Boulder: Rewetting the sponge: Managing soils to contribute to climate mitigation and enhancing biodiversity

Brett KenCairn, Senior Manager, City of Boulder Nature-based Solutions, and Director, Center for Regenerative Solutions, serves as the city of Boulder’s Senior Policy Advisor for Climate Action and leads the City’s Natural Climate Solutions team.  He is also the Director of the Center for Regenerative Solutions (CRS)—a national initiative to expand natural climate solutions nationally that is co-sponsored by the Urban Sustainability Directors Network: Nature-based solutions: Approaching the earth as ally

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