Join the Boulder Watershed Collective, Superior Open Space, Goat Bros, the Butterfly Pavilion, Boulder County Youth Corps, and the Mountain View Fire Protection District, along with other local partners, to take a short walk in our local grasslands and learn about some of the nuances involved in planning and managing these landscapes. We'll gather in the parking lot (see details below) and walk to the Coalton Trailhead together. From there we'll take a mellow walk, interspersed with stops to discuss what we see and how management objectives are approached on the ground. Boulder County’s Wildfire Partners will be present to share resources available to residents.
Topics will include:
Superior Open Space management strategies, and how fire interacts with grassland ecosystems
Goat grazing: the objectives, methods, and outcomes of goat grazing on local grasslands, with a focus on the 30-acre grazing project completed in Superior this summer
Monitoring: plant surveys conducted by the Butterfly Pavilion to measure the effects of grazing
Boulder County Youth Corps efforts to support Superior’s fuel reduction goals through native plant restoration, noxious weed removal, and vegetative thinning
Wildfire: grassland fire behavior and ecology, individual preparedness, and agency planning/response
IMPORTANT NOTE: Coalton Trailhead will be closed on October 24, so please park at the basketball court parking lot on the corner of Indiana and Coalton at 4pm. We will walk as one group to Coalton Trailhead, where the majority of the tour will happen. The program begins at 4pm and ends at 6pm at the parking area. The walk from the parking lot to the trailhead is about 0.4 mile.
When: Tuesday, October 24th, 4-6pm
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