Local partners are working to secure funding through Boulder County’s Strategic Fuels Mitigation Grant (SFMG) for a cross-boundary wildfire mitigation effort. The project will take place in at least six HOAs in the Wonderland Hills area, as well as on adjacent City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks (OSMP) lands.

Methods include:

  • Removal of hazardous fuels on private property

  • Mowing and grazing for vegetation management on OSMP land

  • Hardening structures to reduce ignitability

  • Community organizing for continued social momentum toward fire adaptation

This collaborative approach is intended to reduce risk across multiple landowners and stakeholders because wildfire behavior is not influenced by property ownership or boundaries.

An SFMG application would seek funding for the vegetation management on private land, and to support the juniper/coniferous vegetation management on Parks land. The program requires a 50% match contribution from applicants. OSMP will provide match to fund strategic grazing, perimeter mowing, and home hardening recommendations. Participating HOAs and residents, where possible, will also provide match through HOA funds and individual resident contributions where possible. The Boulder Watershed Collective will act as fiscal agent and overall project manager, while OSMP will oversee treatments on City land.

to show your commitment to wildfire mitigation efforts in the Wonderland Hills Area!

Signing up IS critical to show community buy-in on this collaboration!
This does not commit you to any tasks or dollar amount - this simply displays your support of cross-boundary wildfire migitation initiatives in your community and the surrounding managed land.

project partners

Wonderland Hills HOA Collaborative
Six HOAs leading the charge on residential engagement for community wildfire mitigation

The Boulder Watershed Collective
Fiscal agent and overall project management

City of Boulder OSMP
Develop and oversee treatments on City land
Work with BWC on community-level assessments for overall project development

City of Boulder Fire Rescue Community Risk Reduction
Perform DHAs for participating residents
Connect residents with City programs available for residents

Looking for more info? Reach out to Kirin Riddell, BWC’s Fire Adapted Coordinator!
kirin@boulderwatershedcollective.org | 907-707-9196