Filtering by: Gold Hill Forest Project

Community Conversation on Wildfire Adaptation
10:00 AM10:00

Community Conversation on Wildfire Adaptation

Event Description

Please join us for a community conversation about the future of Gold Hill and the strategies to both mitigate and adapt to wildfire. ​As a group, residents will describe their risks and concerns related to wildfire. This will be shortly followed by small team discussions where residents will brainstorm and envision a future in which Gold Hill has already successfully adapted to wildfire. Together, each small team will share their visions with the whole group in order to collectively discuss specific actions, pathways, and solutions​ to mitigating and living with wildfire. This will be a space to share your stories, voice your concerns, and connect with your neighbors to build a collective vision for Gold Hill's future. ​We welcome any and all self-prescribed Gold Hill community members to join this pivotal conversation. This will be an outdoor event; wearing a mask is highly encouraged.

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Nature Sketching & Journaling
8:30 AM08:30

Nature Sketching & Journaling

  • Switzerland Trail & Gold Hill Road (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Event Description

Join The Boulder Watershed Collective and CU’s Masters of the Environment graduate students on a short, easy-paced hike (~2 miles) to quiet the mind and sketch the intricacies and landscapes of pine forest ecosystems. Korey McQuaide, a Masters of the Environment graduate student, artist, and naturalist will lead the group along the Switzerland Trail, stopping along the way to to observe and sketch unique characteristics of mixed-conifer forests as he demonstrates how to note key features of the environment in these journal entries.

This event is open to everyone, and is great for kids 3rd grade and up, or anyone wanting to learn beginner sketching and/or journaling skills. Sketching and journaling materials will be provided. **This event is in-person. We advise any individual who is unvaccinated to please wear a mask at this event.

Register below to join us! Once registered, we will reach out with more details about this event. For questions or comments, please email Erin Fried (

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Hike with Forester through Gold Hill Wildfire Mitigation Project Area (North Site)
3:00 PM15:00

Hike with Forester through Gold Hill Wildfire Mitigation Project Area (North Site)

Event Description

Thank you for those who joined us for a walk with Ben Pfohl, a forester with the Colorado State Forest Service (CSFS). Ben led the group through the wildfire mitigation project site north of Gold Hill. Hikers walked through these dense Lodgepole Pine forests, and learned how to view these landscapes from a forester’s perspective aiming to restore and reduce intense wildfire potential in this ecosystem. This included learning about 1) scale, 2) diversity impacting structure-function components of forested ecosystems, and 3) the changing dynamics of forests. This hike was also an opportunity to ask Ben Pfohl questions about the project process, plan, impacts to residents, and their forest restoration long term visions.

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Learn about the Gold Hill Wildfire Mitigation Project
5:30 PM17:30

Learn about the Gold Hill Wildfire Mitigation Project

We are preparing the landscape to receive fire
— Frank Falzone, Natural Resource Conservation Service

Event Description

With over 30 people in attendance, the Gold Hill Fire Department and The Boulder Watershed Collective were thrilled to host this event to introduce Gold Hill residents to the Natural Resources Conservation Services (USDA) and Conservation District foresters working on the wildfire mitigation project. This project will occur on the north and west sides of Gold Hill in summer 2021. At this indoor event, the foresters discussed local forest ecology and linked this with how they are developing their forest restoration plans. Community members then posed questions and comments for the foresters. This event is part of the larger ‘Gold Hill Collaboration on Wildfire & Forest Health’ initiated by the Boulder Watershed Collective.

This was a community focused opportunity to hear more about the technical components that inform which trees are cut where and how/why those choices are made. The Four Mile Mitigation Crew will begin the forest work in July 2021 at the Truth Consciousness Ashram property. The total acreage for the project will be just over 100 acres.

Watch the video from this event

View the Presentation Slides

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Volunteer for Wildlife & Bird Monitoring near Gold Hill
to Jun 12

Volunteer for Wildlife & Bird Monitoring near Gold Hill

Volunteer Information

We welcome you to join our community science team to collect long-term data on wildlife and bird abundance, diversity, and to gather baseline data on wildlife presence in the Gold Hill area. We aim to capture this vital information through wildlife picture index and bird monitoring processes. The wildlife picture index process takes motion-sensor photos to monitor wildlife activity on-site!

If interested, your volunteer time would be one time per month and likely consist of either hiking to easy to moderate accessible sites (2-3 miles/volunteer day) to monitor bird calls and/or searching through wildlife pictures and identifying wildlife. Your commitment to this volunteer opportunity can be flexible and short or long term depending on your interest and availability. Once registered below, we will reach out to you with more information.

If you have any questions, feel free to email, Nate Goeckner (

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